im体育APP’s air barrier testing services ensure that materials and accessories that encompass an air barrier system operate as indented, providing a continuous barrier to the movement of air through the building enclosure, resisting wind pressure loads and the environmental conditions they will be exposed to for the lifespan of the building. 

With 今天’s high cost of energy, air barrier systems have become a critical design component, especially in high-performance buildings. 没有有效的, 连续空气屏障系统, outside air may enter a building uncontrollably through gaps and cracks in the building envelope, reducing the building performance. Even small discontinuities in an air barrier may lead to indoor air quality problems, unnecessary energy consumption, 过多的水分, and discomfort for the occupants. 

Our experts test air barrier systems in terms of 空气泄漏, 渗水, wind resistance, thermal performance, 声学, 抗震性能, and structural adequacy to give you the certainty that they are fit for purpose and durable to function as intended for their designed service life.  


Hassle-free testing for a wide range of products

A full range of test services is available to evaluate the performance of both air barrier materials and assemblies, including products sold as sheets, 液敷膜和 喷涂聚氨酯泡沫 that are manufactured from organic fibers or synthetic plastics, pre-assembled or site-constructed. 


Fast, accurate testing to multiple standards

Due to their performance and energy-saving features, various building codes in North America mandate air barriers to be incorporated into building designs. im体育APP’s experts conduct air barrier testing in compliance with the Canadian and American standards including:

    • ASTM E2178 
    • ASTM E2357
    • 可以/ ULC-S741
    • 可以/ ULC-S742 


im体育APP is a member of the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) and holds the IAS 17025 accreditation to provide you with the certainty that we comply with industry and international standards. 

We test to evaluate air permeability characteristics of both air barrier materials and full-scale assemblies. Our laboratories also offer comprehensive testing services for a vast array of building products in the broad areas of construction materials, 屋面产品, 窗户, 和门. 

To learn more about our air barrier testing, or to speak to one of our experts, im体育APP 今天. 

wall system and air barrier testing


Our laboratories host a large two-story chamber that allows full-scale testing of wall systems. We evaluate wall systems in terms of 空气泄漏, 渗水 by uniform and cyclic static air pressure difference, and structural wind load resistance.  

We also conduct dynamic response tests on Pressure Equalized Rain (PER) screens in accordance with AAMA 508 to determine pressure equalization behavior. The test method simulates positive or negative gust wind loads on a wall system and monitors the rate of pressure change within the wall cavity. The testing can incorporate water spray and temperature variations.

wall system and air barrier testing

Building Envelope Field 检查s and Field 测试

We conduct building envelope and curtain wall 检查s and testing as well as on-site dew point determinations of insulating glass units. Infrared thermographic services are also available for building envelopes, electrical services or mechanical system evaluations. 


Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports and certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials and compliance. 今天就和专家交流.

making certain for nearly 190 years




im体育APP offers a complete set of building materials testing to ensure the materials are safe in their application, compliant and ultimately fit for purpose.



Find out how im体育APP conducts a range of flammability, fire testing and fire-resistance testing to ISO, nebs3级, SAE, FAA和劳斯莱斯标准.


NFRC 开窗术 模拟 and Validation

Our Experts discuss our thermal validation and simulation tests for energy performance ratings of 窗户, doors and skylights to meet the NFRC requirements.  

im体育APP Global 测试 and Approvals Conference


发现博客文章, 文章, 白皮书, 在线研讨会, and advice from our world-leading testing, 检查, 认证专家.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.